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Court of Appeal Justices Bids Farewell to Justice Kasule
Hon. Justice Buteera - Deputy Chief Justice (right) handing an award to Hon. Justice Remmy Kasule upon his retirement from the Court of Appeal

On Wednesday October 28, 2021, the Deputy Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Richard Buteera, and Justices of the Court of Appeal hosted retired Hon. Justice Remmy Kasule to a luncheon at Hotel Africana to thank him for his service and contribution to the legal profession as well as formally bid him farewell.

Hon. Justice Kasule retired in July as a judge after serving as a judicial officer for close to 17 years. He joined the Judiciary in 2004 as a High court judge from private legal practice. He retired as Justice of the Court of Appeal in October 2019 after clocking the mandatory retirement age but was re-appointed on a two-year contract which ended on July22, 2021.

The DCJ described Hon. Justice Kasule as a mentor of many in the legal profession. "The contribution of Hon. Justice Kasule at the Bar and Bench in Uganda cannot be overemphasized. He mentored both lawyers and judicial officers," the DCJ said.

Adding that the Judge is an epitome of judicial ethics and integrity who has "left a wealth of jurisprudence for us and the generations to come after us in his judgments."

Hon. Justice Kasule served as President of the Uganda Law Society and member of the Judicial Service Commission prior to joining the Judiciary.

Speaking at the Luncheon, Hon. Justice Kasule, who was accompanied by his elder brother Dr Robert Sebunya, appreciated the gesture in honour of his service and thanked the Justices for the support rendered to him during his time at the appellate court.

"Each of you has been of tremendous assistance tome. We have worked together, some of you for so long and out of that teamwork we have been able to be a family. I pray that even as I retire, whenever it ispossible that we remain members of one family, "he said.

Hon. Justice Kasule said although he was retiring, he would remain active. "As I retire, I shall endeavor to be active in whatever capacities that I may be able, I intend to be ageless in body and timeless in mind," he said. 

Hon. Justice Geoffrey Kiryabwire, who spoke on behalf of other justices, described Hon. Justice Kasule as a jurist who was keen to ensure that justice was taken to the people outside Kampala and happily worked in Gulu for a long time. He also hailed his contribution towards the creation the Appellate Mediation Registry at the Court. 

He said the Judge was a legal icon who had made an extraordinary impact.

Hon. Justice Kasule received two awards in recognition of his outstanding service. He received a personal appreciation award from the DCJ for his compassion, understanding, guidance and counsel.

This was followed by another accolade from the Justices who recognized him for his exemplary and dedicated contribution in the administration of justice in Uganda.

The event was two-fold as it also served as a formal welcome to new Justices, Hon. Justice Christopher Gashirabake and Hon. Lady Justice Eva Luswata to the Court of Appeal. 

Posted 28th, October 2021
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